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Project Lead: Dr. Shoo K. Lee
Dr. Shoo Lee (University of Toronto) is a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Knowledge Translation and Healthcare Improvement and Scientific Director of the MiCare Research Centre. He is a neonatalogist and health economist who guided the establishment of databases for CPN, CNN, CAPSNet and CPPRN using common variables, protocols and database systems to ensure compatibility and linkage.
Project Overview
Project 3 will employ the use of the EPIC method to facilitate the implementation of evidence into practice across Canadian NICU's. A new EPIC II model will build on EPIC so as to target multiple outcomes simultaneously and develop comprehensive best practice strategies for the care of preterm infants.
To develop and evaluate a next generation EPIC-II model for quality improvement and knowledge translation that will target multiple outcomes simultanously and develop comprehensive "best practice" strategies for NICU care of preterm infants, including patient safety. 
EPIQ II Timelines
Year 0: Baseline data collection & systematic reviews 
Years 1 – 2: Outcome improvement interventions
Year 3: Ongoing data analysis and interpretation
Years 4-5: Data analyses and interpretation of long-term neonatal follow-up outcomes


EPIQ Website 

For further EPIQ related information, click here to access the EPIQ website

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